
IHEU-HIVOS Deadline Extended

  • post Type / Growth and Development
  • Date / 10 December 2002

IHEU-HIVOS Humanist Networking & Development Programme 2002-2004 Deadline Extended
FUNDS FOR 2002: Euros 56, 700 (Pound Sterling 35,500 / USD 56,300 / Indian Rs.20,29,000) EXTENDED DEADLINE: Application + Signed Faxed Declaration to reach IHEU as soon as possible.


The International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) is the umbrella organisation for nearly 100 humanist, rationalist, secularist and atheist organisations spread out in 38 countries. IHEU co-ordinates the activities of its Member Organisations, stimulates their policies, guides their strategies, fosters the growth of new humanist groups, and represents humanist interests at the UN, UNESCO, UNICEF and the Council of Europe where it has Consultative Status.

IHEU and its member organisations defend civil liberties, promote more humane and rational attitudes on abortion law, sexual relationships, voluntary euthanasia, capital punishment etc. IHEU supports campaigns against blasphemy laws, projects aimed at protection of minorities and ethnic groups, and activities that will achieve the elimination of discrimination based on religion.

HIVOS is the renowned Dutch Humanist funding agency, and a Specialist member of IHEU, with headquarters in The Hague in the Netherlands, and regional offices in Bangalore, Harare & Costa Rica. Details from Internet website www.hivos.nl

IHEU and HIVOS have been collaborating since 1988 to promote a humanist oriented development, through human rights and humanist networking oriented projects. For this present funding arrangement IHEU, and not HIVOS , should be contacted.

Who can apply for funding?

Organisations (and exceptionally individuals) from countries which fall under the OECD’s and Dutch government’s DAC List (least developed to low and middle income level countries). For example: Albania, Algeria, Argentina, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bolivia, Bosnia, Brazil, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Croatia, Cuba, Egypt, Ghana, Herzegovina, India, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Macedonia, Madagascar, Maldives, Mali, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Mozambique, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Philippines, Rwanda, Seychelles, Slovenia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Turkey, Uganda, Uzbekistan, Yugoslavia, Zaire, Zambia. The list is reviewed every 6 months, click here for the most recent list available on the website of the Dutch Foreign Ministry or contact OECD.

Organisations, resident nationals of these countries as well as those residing permanently in these countries are eligible to apply. Where travel funding is allocated, the cheapest economy class air fare / Apex air fare / cheapest train travel along with minimum living expenses only will be paid. The purpose of travel must be consistent with the projects that IHEU would normally support under this funding programme.

Please Note that Nationals of these countries living in non-DAC countries are not eligible to become beneficiaries of the funding.

Which projects will IHEU support?

In the previous phase of funding, IHEU supported humanist projects like youth training camps for community development, International Seminars, publication of a Spanish language magazine, start-up money for a new Humanist organisation, purchase of communication equipment, construction of a science exhibition hall, superstition eradication programmes, regional humanist networking etc., in countries like China, Ghana, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Costa Rica, Peru and Mexico. IHEU has also offered travel bourses for selected third-world humanists going to IHEU’s World Humanist Congresses.

Different humanist groups specialise in different activities, and project proposers are encouraged to be creative in developing their proposals which will have an impact on their immediate environment. Project proposals must have a humanist bias. By humanist bias, IHEU means (as an illustration only) projects such as those relating to Separation of Religion and State; Inculcation of Scientific Temper; Support to humanists/atheists subjected to discrimination because of their lifestance, including victims of similar discrimination such as children, women, homosexuals, physicians involved in voluntary euthanasia and abortion etc; social, legal and intellectual defence of the right to self-determination and other human rights.

For more information about the selection criteria and procedure, click here.

Purely Humanitarian aid projects do not automatically become eligible for applying under this funding programme.

IHEU would ideally like to see a public-relations and media strategy built into the project, so that public awareness of humanist activities, of the world wide humanist movement, and of IHEU as an organisation, will increase. Funding recipients will be expected to acknowledge IHEU’s assistance in their publications, and provide a brief summary / news story therein of the project being implemented.

As far as funding for the year 2002 is concerned, IHEU particularly encourages existing Humanist groups and existing IHEU affiliates to apply for funding.

All projects will be deemed to start first February 2003 and end first February 2004 with a maximum duration of 12 months.

What levels of funding are available?

Budgets in applications must be made in Pound Sterling and also indicate local currency equivalent. A total of Euro 56,722 or about Pound Sterling 35,500 is available in 2002 and maximum funding for a single project is about Euro 8500 or 5500 Pounds Sterling in a year. However, IHEU encourages smaller proposals from established groups, and still smaller proposals from new humanist groups, or those who expect to receive IHEU funding for the first time.

When approved, funding is guaranteed for only one year at a time, and IHEU may increase or decrease the level of funding being requested. Renewal of funding will depend on project performance, project proposer’s compliance with IHEU’s reporting and performance criteria (which will be strictly monitored), and of course, on other funding applications that IHEU is evaluating in that year. Where appropriate, IHEU will also consult with other Humanist organizations which may also be funding Humanist activities, to ensure there is no overlap in funding allocations.

Where appropriate, of the total funds available, IHEU will allocate a maximum of about Euro 8500 or Sterling 5500 for travel-related expenses for supporting travel of humanists from the developing-world. IHEU will retain 7.5% of the total amount to meet its own Administrative expenses.

Application Form

– The official application Form is two pages. This must be completed by all, duly signed and dated. Please download Application Form as word document (click here).
– Details of projects proposed must be appended to this official application form, and must provide enough detail so that your proposal can be evaluated without further reference to you.

All proposals must be realistic and clearly state what the long-term aims of the project will be. They must indicate if funding will be required for more than one year, and spell out the steps that will be taken by your organisation to ensure that IHEU’s support to your organisation’s project is made public through your newsletter, websites etc.

If you need help or guidance, please contact the IHEU office. All communications should be directly addressed to the Executive Director at the IHEU headquarters address provided at the end of this announcement. Individuals applying for funding should state reasons why their proposal is not routed through a humanist organisation.

What information should be given along with Application Form and project proposal to IHEU?

Please send:
1). A pamphlet/leaflet/publication/press reports about your organisation, which informs IHEU about the goals and objectives of your group. Your documents must be in, or translated into the working language of the IHEU which is English. The office however is able to handle documents in French, German, Hindi or Telugu at the preliminary stage of considering applications. Translations of these may be called for at a more advanced stage. A web site link is also acceptable.

2). It will be the project proposer’s responsibility to ascertain their own eligibility and legal position for receiving IHEU’s funds. Usually, a Chartered Accountant, an advocate or your local Government Charity Commissioner’s office can give you written advice on this matter.

Please include such a certificate where such laws exist in your country.


Funding proposals for 2002 must reach IHEU latest by end of day 9 December 2002. A decision on the application will be taken soon after, and all applicants will be informed about the result of their application, latest by 5 January 2003. Please do not ask for information about how your application is being processed before these dates. Funds will be transferred from IHEU’s Bank before Christmas in most cases. Successful applicants should allow an average of 3 to 4 weeks for the funds to arrive in their countries.

– The completed application should be sent as a VIRUS FREE E Mail attachment (Word for Windows) to us via email. Applications should reach IHEU Headquarters in London by 9 December 2002.

– The official Application form (2 pages) should also be received in IHEU office by 9 December by fax or Airmail. These two pages must be duly signed and dated.

Next funding period

Next funding period will be announced on the IHEU-website and e-mail list in June 2003.

IHEU Contact Details

Please write/fax/E Mail/telephone to discuss/send your project proposals (superscribe envelopes with IHEU-HIVOS funding application).

International Humanist and Ethical Union
47 Theobald’s Road
London WC1X 8SP
United Kingdom
Tel : + 44 20 7831 4817
Fax: + 44 20 7430 1271 or 7404 8641
For submitting completed project proposals and for questions and clarifications, please email us

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