GA/02/04/1: The GA started at 10:15a.m with the reading of the agenda by the President, Ms Gea Meijers. This was unanimously adopted the members present.
GA/02/04/2: The President then vacates the Chairmanship to Ms Alina Mantttari, IHEYO Vice President as the General Assembly Chair. The Chair in turn formally opens the business reeling out the guidelines and the rules for the GA.
GA/02/04/3: The minutes of the last GA was not read because it was a one-page summary (as submitted by Mikael Staldal of the Swedish Humanisterma). The President then volunteered to give an overview of the GA. She did this briefly with clarity and while the summary was adopted by members who were present at the last GA.
GA/02/04/4: The yearly report of IHEYO was read by the president with a detailed report of the EC activities to protect the going entity of IHEYO and promote the advancement of international youth Humanism. Members were satisfied with the outlined works. Therefore, the EC work for 2003/2004 was discharged unanimously.
Amendments to By Laws
GA/02/04/5: Voting on the changes in the bylaws. The Chairman introduced the amendments mostly proposed by the EC and other members of the organisation. Lars-Petter Helgestad volunteered to read the proposed amendments while the proposers are required to shed more light/further clarify their proposals where need be. Members accepted this procedure.
Membership to IHEYO
GA/02/04/6: The G.A. examined applications for the membership of IHEYO.
Before the commencement of the application forms’ evaluation, the Chair of the GA explained the modalities which were queried by Christoffer Larsen of HEF. He seeked to know the basis on which the EC made their recommendations for each of the applicant organisations.
Gea Meijers, President explained that:
1. The first eight applicants were present at the last GA in Berlin where it was resolved that they are automatic members of IHEYO once they apply for membership.
2. That the other applicants were given diverse recommendation based on the application form evaluation and recommendation of EC members such as the recommendation of ‘Yemi Johnson in the case of applicants from Nigeria
Based on this, the following members were given automatic membership by the GA:
1. Prometheus Camp Association, Finland
2. Freidenkerbund Österreichs, Austria
3. Human-Etisk Forbund, Norway
4. Humanisterna, Sweden
5. Young Humanist Network Nigeria, Nigeria
6. Humanist Freidenkerbund Brandenburg, Germany
7. Unie Vrijzinnige Verenigingen, Belgium
8. Jong Humanist League, The Netherlands.
Others that were also accepted as full members of IHEYO are:
1. Humanistische Jongeren, Belgium
2. Uganda Humanist Association Youths, Uganda
3. Association des jeunes humanistes de Guinee, Guinea
4. Filigrane, Benin Republique
5. Sanjivani-Nepal, Nepal
While the following organisations were accepted as Consultative Members:
1. Liberian Refugee Youths for Sustainable Development, Ghana
2. Teenage Life Program, Tanzania
3. Sexual Minorities Uganda, Uganda
4. Uganda Young Positives, Uganda
5. Freedom and Roam Uganda, Uganda.
Decision on the application of the following applicants was postponed until the next GA in Paris:
1. Community Anti-Drug Organisation, Ghana
2. Youth Vigil for Democracy, Nigeria
3. Human Rights Africa, Nigeria
4. Youth for Youth – Kenya
The EC was saddled with the task of contacting these organisations to clarify whatever made them (the EC members) not to recommend them.
Leonard Bonny, Coordinator of one of the newly accepted Consultative members – Teenage Life Program, Tanzania-of IHEYO thanked the GA for accepting their application after saying something more about the organisation (TLP, Tanzania).
A total of 18 members were accepted.
Election to EC IHEYO
GA/02/04/7: Confirmation of Frederik Dezutter as IHEYO Treasurer.
Ms Gea Meijers, President reminds the GA of the task of appointing a substantive Treasurer which they gave to the EC at the last GA. She then formally introduced Frederik Dezutter, an elected EC member, to them as the EC appointed Treasurer.
The GA then adopted him (unanimously) as the Treasurer of the organisation.
GA/02/04/8: As there are still about three slots for willing individual members of the IHEYO full members organisations, the Chair of the GA enquired if there is anyone willing to join the volunteer team of the IHEYO EC.
A nominee in person of Asaba Lawrence of the *UHASSO Youths volunteered to join the EC of IHEYO as a board member.
Before Asaba could introduce himself to the GA, questions were asked for clarifications purpose. Johu Iso-Markku of Prometheus Association, Finland, asked about how to get three EC members from developing countries to the EC meetings. Mari-Mathe Apenes of HEF, Norway, asked for the budget for clarifications and to be sure that IHEYO can still survive under the financial implication of such decision. The President assured members that things shall be worked out among the EC members and that it is all part of the truly internationalization of IHEYO.
Asaba was then allowed to briefly introduce himself.
Secret Votes were cast to decide with Sonja Eggerickx, IHEU vice-president, and Leonard Bonney as returnee officers
7 Votes were cast for with Yes!
Asaba Lawrence was then formally announced as a new member of the IHEYO EC.
10 minutes break was observed.
GA/02/04/9: The President read IHEYO Action Plan 2004/05 after circulation.
All after some questions on the timeline of the Action Plan accepted it while Rosemary requested for the International symbols which was beamed on the projector screen by Lars-Petter.
The GA. accepted it.
GA/02/04/10: the Treasurerread the budget. The past year budget was accepted but that of the year 04/05 was postponed till December, subject to the article 10.
Membership Fees
GA/02/04/11: A Membership fee was also decided in line with the newly adopted article 7.
After a very rigorous debate, member finally reached a consensus on the following:
50 Euros for very small members- less than 1000
75 Euros for small members – less than 2000
100 Euros for the large members- above 3000
25 Euros for Consultative members
10 Euros for Individual members.
Osma Suominen of Prometheus Association, Finland proposed this for adoption. However, the views of the new African members’ were seek on the set fees. To Leonard Bonny, *TLP, Tanzania it is a bit on the high side. Oliver opined that if the time is short then it can be rather impossible for some African groups to pay. To Rosemary Wanjala , *YFY, Kenya said that the bank charges may be too much. MariMathe Apenes of *HEF, Norway then suggested that it should be paid at the GA or the Conference. Rosemary Wanjala , YFY, Kenya then suggested that the modalities should be worked out. Oliver delivered the news that Sonya has agreed to pay the SMUG membership fees.Sekwena Benson suggested that individuals can for example pay to Asaba while he in turns give it to the Treasurer.
It was explicitly stated by Frederik Dezutter that Individual membership of IHEYO should be discouraged. Gea Meijers stated that exemption to paying the Fee is possible (see article 7).
The proposition by Osma was agreed while the responsibility of sorting the means of collecting fees was given to the EC.
Still on the Action Plan and the Budget, Johu Iso-Markku of Prometheus Association, Finland suggested to IHEYO to have a more vibrant structure and be more active than before.
Mari-Mathe Apenes of HEF, Norway asked for clarifications because the action plan and budget do not agree. Frederik Dezutter explained that it was because it was suppose to be from one GA to the other
The action planned was approved
The account and budget approved
GA/02/04/12: A.O.B
-The date for next GA was set for Paris but collaboration is with La Ligue D’ensignement. Sonja Eggerixks from IHEU advised that it would be nice to have it next to the IHEU Congress.
-Asaba Lawrence raised the certificate issue. He said so many participants would like to have conference participation certificate. It was agreed that it should be sent by mail to participants.
GA/02/04/13: Resolution
The proposal by Christoffer Larsen was thoroughly debated and later adopted as IHEYO-KAMPALA 2004 official resolution after some amendments.
Sonja Eggerickx thanked organizers, congratulated the EC and asked if IHEYO will like to have her as the IHEU-IHEYO Liaison for the 04/05. This was agreed by all present;
The GA was closed until Paris at 12:54PM.
IHEU- International Humanist and Ethical Union
HEF- Human Etisk Forbund/ Norwegian Humanist Association
EC- Executive Committee of IHEYO
YFY- Youth for Youth
TLP- Teenage Life Program
JUHUS- German Young Humanists
UHASSO- Ugandan Humanist Association Youths