International Colloquium under the aegis of IHEU
[b]Role and Influence of Religions and Churches in the Social Sphere[/b]
Paris, 23 September 2004, 9.00am – 6.00pm
Please note change of venue: CGT-FO offices, 141 avenue du Maine – 75014 Paris
Focus on Judaism and Society, Hinduism and its Social Influence, Europe and the Church’s Social Doctrine, Islam and ‘Communautarisme’, Church and Religion in International Institutions, Religion and Social Conservatism in the United States of America.
For full programme details contact Libre Pens�e, see [url=http://www.librepenseefrance.ouvaton.org/]http://www.librepenseefrance.ouvaton.org/[/url] (in French) or email (after 23 August) [email=libre.pensee@wanadoo.fr]libre.pensee@wanadoo.fr[/email].