
Pre-register now for the IHEU World Congress, Paris, July 2005

  • post Type / Conferences
  • Date / 1 November 2004

IHEU’s 16th World Congress
[b]Separation of Religion and State[/b]
Paris, Tuesday 5 July – Thursday 7 July 2005

2005 marks the centenary of the 1905 French Law of Separation of Church and State. IHEU member organisation the [i]Libre Pensee Francaise[/i] played a crucial role in achieving this landmark legislation.

IHEU and the Libre Pensee Francaise invite you to the World Humanist Congress, and to learn through interactive and plenary sessions about the world-wide Humanist movement, the challenges we face, and our success stories.

Special sessions will be organised on Science and Secularism, on the European Union and on Women’s issues. Learn about the IHEU’s IHEU-Appignani Humanist Center for Bioethics and more !

The prestigious venues for the Congress include UNESCO headquarters, the Conseil Economique et Social, and the Sorbonne. Plenty of opportunities for tourism and for networking! Simultaneous interpretation in French and English. Full details will be sent to registrants.

For further details, click the [b]Read More…[/b] link below.

[b]Pre-register now for the Congress[/b] at [url=http://www.librepenseefrance.ouvaton.org/iheu/congres_16.htm]http://www.librepenseefrance.ouvaton.org/iheu/congres_16.htm[/url].

Inaugural Session at UNESCO Headquarters; Plenary Sessions, Parallel Sessions and Workshops

[b]Overview of all events in Paris:[/b]
Monday July 4th — World Congress of Freethinkers
Tuesday July 5th — Plenary sessions of IHEU Congress
Wednesday July 6th — Parallel sessions and Workshops
Thursday July 7th (morning) — Plenary sessions of IHEU Congress
Thursday July 7th (afternoon) & Friday July 8th — IHEU General Assembly
Friday July 8th – Thursday July 14th — IHEYO Conf. on ‘Multiculturalism’

For full details and to register for the Congress, contact Libre Pensee, 10-12 rue des Fosses Saint-Jacques, 75005 Paris, France, telephone +33 1 46 34 21 50, fax +33 1 46 34 21 84, [url=http://www.librepenseefrance.ouvaton.org/]http://www.librepenseefrance.ouvaton.org/[/url] (in French) or email (after 23 August) [email=libre.pensee@wanadoo.fr]libre.pensee@wanadoo.fr[/email] or [b]IHEU[/b].

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