[b][size=large]CALL FOR PAPERS[/size][/b]
[b][size=medium]IHEU- Appignani Humanist Center for Bioethics[/size][/b]
[i][size=medium]Bioethics: A Humanist Approach[/size][/i]
[b][size=medium]April 22 and 23, 2005[/size][/b]
The Inaugural Conference of the IHEU-Appignani Humanist Center for Bioethics will be held at 777 UN Plaza, New York city on Friday 22 April and Saturday 23 April, 2005.
Taking a broad and cross-disciplinary approach to addressing medical and bio-technological issues in contemporary society, conference topics include ethics and religion, humanist and ethical views on science and the public, the development of biotechnology and its ethical implications.
Papers might address such topics as euthanasia, abortion, organ procurement, therapeutic and human cloning, GMF, the HIV/AIDS epidemics, and the global implications of these issues. Participants will include researchers, teachers and practitioners who work either in technical fields related to these issues or in related areas of the humanities.
Papers submitted for the conference proceedings will be fully peer-refereed and will be published. Virtual registrations will be also available for those unable to attend – this allows you to submit a paper for refereeing & possible publication.
The deadline for the first round papers is February 1, 2005. The registration fee for all participants except students will be $100, payable by 15 April. Refreshments are included.
The address for the submission of papers and registration fees and inquiries is:
P.O. Box 4104
Grand Central Station
New York, NY 10162
Phone: (212) 687 3324
[url=https://humanists.international/email.html]Click here for the IHEU- Appignani email address[/url]
Registration forms and other details can be obtained from the above address.
[b]NB: Accommodation packages (book by March 15th, 2005) are available. Please quote conference name when booking.[/b]
[b]Pickwick Hotel, E 51st Street and Second Avenue. Tel: (212) 355 0300, e-mail: [/b][email]info@pickwickarms.com[/email]
[b]Millenium UN Plaza Hotel New York, United Nations Plaza, 44th Street between First and Second Avenue, New York,NY, USA 10017-3575 tel: +1 212 758 1234 fax: +1 212 702 5051 reservation: +1 866 866 086[/b][email]unplaza@mhrmail.com[/email]
The International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) is the World Umbrella Organization of nearly 100 Humanist, Rationalist, Secularist, Atheist, Agnostic and Ethical Culture Organisations from about 40 countries. IHEU has Specialist Consultative Status at the UN in NY, Geneva and Vienna, and Consultative Status with the Council of Europe at Strasburg. IHEU maintains Operational Relations with UNESCO, Paris.