
Special session on science at the World Humanist Congress, Wednesday 6th July, 2005

  • post Type / Conferences
  • Date / 24 May 2005

The 16th World Humanist Congress, Paris, 5-7 July 2005, is devoted to the theme of Separation of Religion and State. Full program and registration forms for the IHEU Congress are available at http://librepenseefrance.ouvaton.org/iheu/iheu.html.

Within the World Congress Programme, a special session “Science, Religion, and Separation” is being organised by La Fédération Nationale de la Libre Pensée (National Federation of the Free Thought) and L’Union Rationaliste. This exciting session featuring distinguished scientists, science popularisers and activists will be held on 6th July 2005, between 8h30 to 12h20, in the Champollion lecture room of the Sorbonne (16 rue de la Sorbonne, opposite the old building).

The purpose of the Special Session is to contribute to and strengthen the rationalist outlook within academic and teaching circles, and to combat the intrusion of religious and other spiritualistic ideas into Science. All presentations will be in English, with abstracts translated into French. Time permitting, discussions from the floor following each contribution may be in either English or French.

Because of the interest that this session holds for scientists, teachers, and members of the general public, this session will be open to the public. Those not registered for the Congress are requested to register separately for the Special Session. Seat numbers are limited to fifty for non-Congress registrants and you are strongly advised to register by contacting the Libre Pensee at libre.pensee@wanadoo.fr or by completing and returning the registration form below.

Cost: (For those not registered for the day or for the full IHEU Congress) will be 15 Euros, payable by cheque or credit card. Cheques should be made out to Fédération Nationale de la Libre Pensée; please write on the reverse of the cheque “Session Sciences” and send along with the appended registration form. You may also pay online here, by international Credit Card (available soon).

Jean Dubessy
Responsible of the LP-Commission “Sciences”
Jean-Claude Pecker
Union Rationaliste

PROGRAM 8h30 – 12h20

Contributions will be of 20 minutes; 10 minutes should be devoted to discussion.
Moderator: J-C.PECKER

8h00 Registration
8h30-8h35: Introduction by Jean-Claude Pecker
8h35-9h05. Ian Plimer :
Creationism in the New World: Consequences in a Pluralist Secular Society
9h05-9h35. Jean Bricmont:
Some Remarks on the Distinction between Science and Pseudo-science.
9h35-10h05. Hélène Langevin-Joliot. Science and Freethinking
10h05-10h15. Break
10h15-10h45. Mikail Konashev:
Religion and Evolutionary Theory in the XXth century and at present.
10h45-11h15. Michel Naud:
Heidelberg Appeal and others: Science versus irrational preconceptions.
11h15-11h45. Laurent Dianoux: Some Aspects of the Status of Science in Muslim Countries
11h45-12h15. Guillaume Lecointre: Science and Spiritualism in France.
12h15-12h20. Jean Dubessy: conclusion.

Fédération Nationale De La Libre Pensée,
10-12 Rue Des Fossés Saint-Jacques, 75005 Paris
Session: “Science, Religion And Separation”

Name……………………………….Given Name ……………………….Middle Initial…….
Payment: 15 Euros
Donation : ……………………….
Total payment : ……………………….
Mode of Payment :
By Check (enclosed) …………
By Credit Card (paid online) ………..

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