The General Assembly, consisting of non-voting and voting members, is the highest decision making body in IHEYO. Held on the 15th of July in Paris, the General Assembly adopted the action plan with additional comments, the budget and the accounts.
Also at the General Assembly:
A new Executive Committee (EC) was elected at the meeting: Silvana Uhlrich from the German Freethinkers Brandenburg and Sara Wastijn from the Belgian Humanistische Jongeren joined the EC. Ms. Alina Mänttäri (1st Vice President, Finland), Mr. Ramesh Kumar (2nd Vice President, India), Mr. Wolfgang Huber (Board Member, Austria), Mr. Ramesh Kumar (2nd Vice President, India) and Ms.Marita Eriksen (Board Member, Norway) stepped down at the end of their term.
IHEYO is in a phase of development and expansion, and the IHEYO GA approved 18 organisations as member of which 5 as full members and 13 with consultative status.
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