The IHEU office has issued updated details of the timetable for events associated with the 2006 General Assembly, to be held in New York City, USA, in April 2006.
Those wishing to attend these events must register in advance. Registration details are in the GA announcement. Please note the deadlines in the announcement.
IHEU General Assembly 2006
- Thursday 20th April, 10 am to 5 pm
- Friday 21st April, 10 am to 1 pm
- Ceremonial Hall, Fourth Floor, New York Society for Ethical Culture, Two West Sixty-fourth Street, New York City, USA
One-day seminar on PR and media relations for IHEU member organisations and their representatives
IHEU Bioethics Reception
- Time: Friday 21st April 2006, 6 pm to 9 pm
- Venue:
Turkish Consulate General, Culture & Tourism Office, 821 UN Plaza, New York City, USA
- All UN missions will be invited. Distinguished Speakers: Paul Kurtz, Arthur Caplan, and a UN person to be announced.
IHEU Bioethics Conference
- Saturday 22nd April, 8.30 am to 3.30 pm

- Sunday 23rd April, 10 am to 3.30 pm
- IHEU-Appignani Center for Bioethics, 777 UN Plaza, New York City, USA
Optional one-day visit to Institute for Humanist Studies Humanist Center Open Day
- Monday 24th April
- Venue: Humanist Center, 48 Howard Street, Albany, NY, USA
- Further details TBA
Suresh Lalvani
Director of Operations and Company Secretary