Dear readers,
We cannot wait with a next issue of Youth SpeakJ. There is so much to tell, we have decided to publish this extra edition.
In this issue more news on the Campaigns IHEYO is supporting.
IHEYO wrote to the missions of the UN members of the Security Council to urge them to consider recommending a qualified women candidate for the post of the next General Secretary of the UN, now taken by Kofi Annan.
IHEYO supports the campaign for more recognition and support for European civil society and for the establishment of a statute for a European Association. The campaign has been set up by the European Civic Forum of which IHEYO is a member. Individual signatures to the declaration are much needed.
Individuals and groups can support both campaigns by writing or e-mailing letters, inform others around you or sign the petition.
You can also find news on coming international humanist conferences interesting for young people taking place in Iceland and Nigeria. And a short report on the General Assembly of the IHEU (the International Humanist and Ethical Union).
A YouthSpeak wouldn’t be complete without its opinions. In this issue an opinion on this year’s World Economic Forum. We promised it in the last issue, but now you can definitely read it. Also you can find a humanist organisation in the spotlight.
The organisation in the spotlight is the Atheist Centre with whom IHEYO organises its 2006 conference. You can still apply:
Enjoy reading!