The African Working Group came to the following conference resolutions from its online conference held in 2006. This outlined following steps and recommendations for the Working group:
There is need to create an internet portal for the African Working Group on the IHEYO website. This space will contain information on the activities of AWG and its collaborating groups.
There is need for a steering board for the group that will ensure that its activities are functionally run. A six-man board was suggested to this effect to include the African EC members (who were in 2006 two but after the last election, three). The remaining three could be selected by sending nomination application to all functional IHEYO African member organisation to that effect. However, the conferees are to be given priority when selecting except in an highly exceptional case.
That AWG must work towards organising an African Humanist Youth Conference (not regional but truly AFRICAN) between 2007 and end of 2008.
Realising that little has been heard of Humanism in Southern Africa, conferees agreed that there is need to seek for Southern African Humanist groups.
The conferees also agreed that there should be three committees within the group: a West African Committee, an East/Central African Committee and a Southern Committee. Each committee is to have at least 2 members each. The six-man board for the time being will divide the task of these committees among themselves: the task is basically to popularize Humanism through group collaborations and offer support for innovative and progressive initiatives within the domain of the committees.
The formation of clubs formation and club events that can develop the youths as well as create fun for them should be encouraged by African youth groups. They are advised not to be too academic as it was before but that programmes must rather be flexible and creatively developed to be edu-infotainment so as to attract membership.
The conferees wish that a majority of them could be present at the regional meetings coming up in Cameroon and Uganda in 2007 and likewise advise the organisers of the conference to make the best of it for the benefit of Africa.
The conferees agreed that Exchange programmes between Africans groups within Africa and between African and European groups are vital for group development. AWG Board are therefore enjoined to ensure that at least one of such exchanges are carried out biennially.
Programmes on HIV/AIDS are seen as inevitable in any development oriented youth group’s programme. All African Humanist youth groups are therefore enjoined to ensure that they enlighten their members about the scourge and organise events to promote the ABC option of HIV/AIDS prevention.
Realising that there are issues of common interest to both Humanist and non-humanist youth groups, the conferees agreed that African youth groups should endeavour to partner/ collaborate with groups whose visions tallies with theirs (and tolerant enough to accommodate their irreligious stance) most especially in the areas of Human Rights, Promotion of Science Education, HIV/AIDS, Poverty and Development.
Books and educational materials should be made available, most especially tracts with humanist themes should be provided for Africa so that people can get to hear what are doing.
The conferees thanked IHEYO EC for the support offered to the group so far and also ask for their unflinching support in quest to popularize in Africa.