
Humanist Symposium at Harvard: 20-21 April, 2007, US

  • post Type / Young Humanists International
  • Date / 12 December 2006

Three decades ago Tom Ferrick founded the Humanist Chaplaincy at Harvard University. Tom then led the Chaplaincy to become a permanent, endowed position at Harvard, and to honour Tom and his historic vision, Harvard will host a major Humanist symposium on the theme “dialogue between religions, cultures, and civilizations” where the Humanist Chaplaincy will lay out a bold new vision for the future of Humanism at Harvard and universities across the US.

International guests are much welcomed. When you are able and interested to come, please contact Greg M. Epstein, Humanist Chaplain of Harvard University, gepstein(at)hds.harvard.edu
More info: http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/humanism/2006/06/14/major-announcement/ 

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