
Just formalities or pure fun?

  • post Type / Young Humanists International
  • Date / 12 December 2006

The upcoming IHEYO General Assembly to be held in India at the 28th of October and 4th of November may not seem to be the most interesting place to be. Formal rules, reports, budgets and accountings, not to mention amendment of By-Laws:-) But is that correct?

Compared with the rest of the IHEYO activities in India that week, a conference on humanist education and related methods, some will consider the formal General Assembly (GA) as boring. But this is the place to be! This is where it happens! I know many who can’t be present, but really would like to be there:-) This is where the IHEYO democracy really does its job. This is where the IHEYO members can decide upon IHEYOs future.

I look forward to the meeting. We will see if the General Assembly approves the Executive Committees course of action. What will be changed in the action plan for 2007, and what will be criticized in the annual report of 2005? At least four offices in the Executive Committee are up for election. Who will be the new IHEYO President? Candidates for these offices will until the GA takes place present themselves for all our members at the IHEYO Forum: 

Lars-Petter Helgestad
Interim President IHEYO

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