
Bioethics conference: Human Rights for the 21st century

  • post Type / Conferences
  • Date / 22 April 2007

updated The IHEU-Appignani Humanist Center for Bioethics and The Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies present Human Rights for the 21st Century: Rights of the Person to Technological Self-DeterminationMay 11-13, 2007. We now have speaker details and abstracts available.

Keynote speaker: Jonathan D. Moreno Ph.D., Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress, Professor of Medical Ethics, History and Sociology of Science at the University of Pennsylvania.
Jonathan Moreno Jonathan Moreno

Reception: Friday May 11, 6:00 – 9:00 pm; Location: Consulate General of Romania, 200 E 38th St #3, New York, NY 10016
Conference: Saturday May 12 and Sunday May 13, 9:00 am – 3:45 pm; Location: 777 UN Plaza, 2nd Floor, New York City, NY 10017

Registration Fees:
Presenters: $50.00, payable by May 1, 2007
Students: $25.00
General public: $50.00
Wine & Cheese Reception: $15,00
Registration fee includes attendance at the two-day conference.
A late registration fee (after May 1) of $10.00 for students and $20.00 for the general public will be charged.


The 2007 conference “Human Rights for the 21st Century: Rights of the Person to Technological Self-Determination” will focus on (a) human rights in the context of bodily autonomy as well as reproductive and cognitive liberties, (b) emerging biotechnologies which may contribute to the exercise of such rights, and (c) challenges to the ideas of human identity underlying some human rights discourse.

Topics to be considered include nanotechnology in medical treatment, novel vaccines against addictive behaviors, internet-enabled social networking and engineering, designer genetic engineering, novel transplantable tissue and organ generation, neuroscience, as well as emerging technologies and women’s rights.

The deadline for the submission was April 25, 2007. Accepted papers will be peer-reviewed and considered for publication in the Journal of Evolution and Technology (http://jetpress.org). Online registrations will be also available for those unable to attend the Conference (for those wishing to submit a paper for review and possible publication). The address for the submission of papers, registration fees (by check, payable to “IHEU”) or inquiries: IHEU, P.O. Box 4104 Grand Central Station New York, NY 10162, USA.
Phone: (212) 687 3324
Or by Paypal (online) to
Registration forms and other details are posted on: http://ieet.org/index.php/IEET/rights2007

NB: Accommodation packages are available, on a first-come-first-serve basis, from the Pickwick Hotel, E 51st Street and Second Avenue. Tel: 212 355 0300, e-mail: info@pickwickarms.com.

Millenium UN Plaza Hotel New York, United Nations Plaza, 44th Street between First and Second Avenues, New York,NY, USA 10017-3575 Tel: 212 758 1234 fax: 212 702 5051 reservation: 866 866 8086 email: unplaza@mhrmail.com. Please quote conference name when booking.


Jeff Buechner Ph.D.
Department of Philosophy, Rutgers University
“Problems with The Case Against Perfection”
Chalmers C. Clark, PhD
Department of Philosophy, Union College
“What is in a Face? Philosophy and Facial Transplantation”
Fred Frohock Ph.D.
Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University
“Human Rights and Stem Cell Research: An Emerging Set of Limits for Rights Vocabularies?”
Linda MacDonald Glenn, J.D., LL.M.
Women’s Bioethics Project
“Technological challenges to the ideas of human identity”
Alex Grey
Board of Directors, Center for Cognitive Liberty and Ethics
“Cognitive Liberty and Drug Law Reform”
Alice Herb, J.D., L.L.M.
State University of New York, Downstate Medical Center
“Ethical-Legal Issues in the Inner City”
Bill Hibbard Ph.D.
Space Science and Engineering Center, University of Wisconsin – Madison
“The Technology of Mind and a New Social Contract”
James J. Hughes Ph.D.
Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies
“Cyborgs Today, and in the Future: The Needs and Struggles of People With Implanted Medical Devices”
Jan Jaeger, RN, PhD
UPenn Center for Bioethics
“The Ethics and Social Implications of Nanomedicine”
Kevin Keith
City College of New York
“We Must Decide Who We Are to Determine Who We Become: Philosophical Pre-Requisites to Technological Self-Determination”
David Koepsell J.D., Ph.D.
Interdisciplinary Center for Bioethics, Yale University
“Rights to One’s Own Genes: The Human Genome as a Commons”
Adam Kolber
School of Law, University of San Diego
“Therapeutic Forgetting: The Legal and Ethical Implications of Memory Dampening”
Senator Elizabeth Krueger
New York State Senate
Senator Krueger will Address the Cocktail Reception
Ana Lita Ph.D.
IHEU-Appignani Humanist Center for Bioethics
Conference Co-Chair
Jonathan Moreno Ph.D.
Department of Sociology, University of Pennsylvania
Keynote Speaker
Jonathan Pfeiffer
California Lutheran University
“The trouble with nature and artifice”
Martine Rothblatt, Ph.D., J.D., M.B.A.
United Therapeutics; Terasem Movement
“Technological Transexualism as a Torchbearer for Technological Self-Determination”
Kristi Scott
Intern, Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies
“Cheating Darwin: The Genetic and Ethical Implications of Vanity and Cosmetic Plastic Surgery”
Eric Steinhart
Dept. of Philosophy, William Patterson University
“A Natural Right to Fully Actualized Human Nature”
Terry Tomsick
McGill University’s joint LLM-bioethics program
“Reproductive rights in Europe and the United States”
Michael Vassar
Columbia University
“Lead Me Not Into Temptation: Folk-Psychological Conceptions of Willpower and Their Implications for Policy”
Mark Youssef
University of Missouri – St. Louis
“Defending the Uninterrupted Right to Clone”
Wayne R. Cohen, M.D., Ph.D.
Obstetrics and Gynecology, Jamaica Hospital NY
“The Ethics of Sex Selection”
Priyamvada Shivasubramaniam
Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai, India
“The Proliferation of Indian Nari Guinea Pigs: Coercive Population Policies and Dubious Clinical Trials”

The IHEU-Appignani Center for Bioethics focuses on raising awareness of bioethical issues confronting the international community and developing and implementing an international program for lobbying. The Center is a new initiative of the International Humanist and Ethical Union. IHEU holds a special consultative status with ECOSOC at the United Nations, a general consultative status with UNICEF and the Council of Europe as well as operational relations with UNESCO in Paris.

The Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies (ieet.org) examines the social implications of technological progress, promoting public policies that distribute the benefits and reduce the risks of accelerating innovation. The IEET is chaired by Dr. Nick Bostrom of Oxford University, and served by Dr. James Hughes of Trinity College (Hartford CT) as its Executive Director. The thirteen Fellows of the IEET span expertise from nanotechnology, neurotechnology, biotechnology and information science to bioethics, philosophy and health policy. The IEET publishes the Journal of Evolution and Technology (jetpress.org) and hosts the Changesurfer podcast.

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