The 2007 IHEU General Assembly (GA) is to be held in Torino (Turin) Italy on Sunday 17 and Monday 18 June 2007. The official notice was sent out on 18 February and again on 1 March and 12 March. Registration forms for the GA must be received by 16 May at the latest.
The venue for the GA is Hotel Royal, Corso Regina Margherita 240, 10144 Torino, Italy (tel: +39 011 43 76 777). The IHEU GA will follow the European Humanist Federation (EHF) GA held in the same hotel on Friday 15 June. Participants in both EHF and IHEU General Assemblies are invited to a free colloquium on Secularism, civil rights and neutrality of public institutions on Saturday 16 June and also to a city tour in the early evening, followed by a dinner hosted by the Humanist organisation Consulta Torinese per la Laicita delle Istituzoni.
Please note that spaces on the city tour and dinner are limited in number and will be allocated on a ‘first come, first served’ basis and may not be available to those who book late for the GA. The registration form for representatives of Member Organisations, Individual Supporters and IHEU volunteers is available on the IHEU web site and should be emailed to: as soon as possible and by 16 May at the very latest.
All those who wish to participate in the IHEU GA must book their accommodation directly with the hotel in addition to completing a registration form of IHEU.
Robbi Robson, Secretary to the IHEU GA