
Ibn Rushd Fund for Freedom of Thought Prize 2007 – Call for Nominations

  • post Type / Members and partners
  • Date / 17 May 2007

The Ibn Rushd Fund for Freedom of Thought intends to award its Prize for 2007 to an Arab film maker (cinema or TV), who has dedicated himself/herself to freedom and democracy and has tackled the problems of social and political taboos through his/her works, critically investigating related phenomena and practices from a new perspective. The Fund seeks nominations by 31 May 2007.

Arab TV programmes and films play an important role in forming the opinion and consciousness of society. They may have a positive, but also a negative influence. They can sharpen the senses, strengthen or weaken one’s power of judgement, illuminate or distort information – in any case, they get into the conciousness and influence one’s understanding of issues and events. The film is an effective tool and it can reflect all stages of development of a society. For according to the extent that these cinematic works of art reflect via TV or cinema the problems and conflicts of life, the observer determines how far this society examines its own problems and whether it is enlightened and honest with itself enough to discuss delicate issues openly.

Behind a work of this genre, there is a whole team of participants. Yet, the most important role is reserved by the film director. He is the protagonist who leaves his finger print on the whole work, which mirrors his perception of reality and analysis of complicated issues. He organises the relationship between the figures and looks profoundly into the solution of conflicts. The creative film maker wants to unleash the complicated questions of life, and aims to capture both the minds and hearts of observers through his ficticious work. He wants to break rigid forms, correct clichés and stereotypes and overcome the limits laid down by state authority, customs and traditions. With his new consciousness he defines new limits, which open horizons of a new kind and shape a new arrangement of the interpretation of reality along with its conflicts. If he exceeds the limits of time, he never takes his eyes off the future. He offers the possibility of instruction, but also beholds to the observer the right to make his own mind of things.

The Arab world has brought forth a few creative film maker (Documetary and feature films), whose works have played an important role in shaping the cultural memory of mankind.

It is for this reason, after a survey amongst it’s members, that the Ibn Rushd Fund of Freedom of Thought has decided to award its prize in 2007 to an Arab film maker, who has rendered outstanding services directly or indirectly to freedom of thought, enlightenment, democracy, social justice and human rights and to the aims of the fund.

Anyone who is interested may nominate a man or woman whom he or she thinks is worthy of the prize. Please send your proposal per letter or e-mail before the 31 of May 2007 to the address below and state the reasons for your choice in a short text. Please also attach a short biography of the candidate.

These proposals will be passed on to the members of an independent jury who will select the winner from among the proposals.

Last opportunity for nomination is May 31 , 2007.

Ibn Rushd Fund for Freedom of Thought
Gitschinerstr. 17
10969 Berlin
Tel./Fax: 0049-(0)30 615 85 96
E-Mail: contact@ibn-rushd.org
Web: http://www.ibn-rushd.org

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