
Job opportunity: IHEYO seeks Communications Officer

  • post Type / Members and partners
  • Date / 29 May 2007

IHEU member organization IHEYO is seeking a Communications Officer – 20 hours or more per week.

The Communications Officer’s primary task is to make the communication channels of IHEYO more vibrant. IHEYO is an international youth organisation that carries out international projects among young people in Europe, Asia, Africa and elsewhere.


  • Continue to make the soon-to-be-renewed website more dynamic though encouraging members to make use of the website by visiting the site, responding in the forum and contributing news.
  • Help create more informational material for young humanists about current interesting thinkers and about projects of our members
  • Encourage our network to publish more often about IHEYO and some of the information we offer.
  • Help build our network into a more active network of volunteers with a group that continues working on communication and with a wider group of people reading our e-newsletter.
  • Provide fundraising support to the Executive Committee, including helping with drafting and compiling fundraising applications.
  • Filter external information from our extended network and contacts into our organisation.

You will work within an international team of volunteers and may be required do to a few administrative/supportive tasks that contributes to the communication within the netwerk.

It is possible to extend the field of activity and develop new initiatives, provided funding can be allocated to this.


  • Successfully completed studies in higher education.
  • Relevant work experience (which can be volunteer work as well).
  • Excellent communication, networking and writing skills in English.
  • Good interpersonal skills and experience in working in a multi-cultural working environment.
  • Interest and affiliation with a humanist life stance.
  • Being able to work independently and pro-actively; there is guidance but not on an everyday basis.
  • The officer should be able to enthuse people to become more involved in IHEYO and be a vibrant communicator that facilitates further communication within the network.
  • The officer should be able to legally work in Belgium and be able to work in the office of IHEYO that is located at the office of the Humanistische Jongeren near South Station Brussels.

What IHEYO offers

IHEYO offers a flexible work environment where the officer has opportunity as well to develop own initiatives and gain (further) experience on how to work in an intercultural setting, developing and implementing international projects. IHEYO functions with a fairly horizontal structure with board members coming from Europe, Asia and Africa that help carry out the projects together with the network.

The communications officer will be offered a part time appointment (20 hours) for a maximum of six months. It is possible to negotiate on the hours in relation to the number of months. The salary is for 20 hours per week between 600 and 700 Euro inclusive of all taxes.

For further information on IHEYO and the office, one can visit the website: www.iheyo.org or/and write to officer@iheyo.org.
Please send your application (motivation letter plus curriculum vitae) in English before 9 June 2007 to: officer@iheyo.org.

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