IHEU in association with member organization American Humanist Association announces the 17th Humanist World Congress to be held in Washington, DC, USA on June 6-8, 2008. You can register now for the Congress on the event web site, which includes the provisional programme and details of transportation and accommodation.
The 2008 IHEU General Assembly will be held on June 5 and the afternoon of June 8. The American Humanist Association board meeting will be held on the afternoon of June 4 and there will be a range of other activities including an IHEYO Conference.
The Congress will be held at the L’Enfant Plaza Hotel, 480 L’Enfant Plaza, SW, Washington, D.C. 20024, USA.
Phone: 202-484-1000 Web: www.lenfantplazahotel.com
The Congress theme is “E Pluribus Unum: Reclaiming Humanist Values”.
If you book early and mention the “IHEU Congress”, a special $129 per night room rate is available. You can now book online. Visit www.lenfantplazahotel.com, click on “Reservations,” which will take you to a new page, then enter in the dates, and under Group Code, enter AHA603 or click here.
The hotel is directly connected to the Washington DC Metro system (above the L’Enfant Plaza Metro stop) and easy to reach from DC-area airports. The hotel is three blocks from the National Mall, providing easy access to famous monuments, the free Smithsonian museums, and offices of government, including the Capitol.
For further information, please contact the AHA’s Washington, DC office, tel. +1 (800) 837-3792 or email conference@AmericanHumanist.org
The Congress logo