
Essay competition: sexual morality

  • post Type / Members and partners
  • Date / 16 September 2007

The Humanist Society of Scotland is launching its inaugural student essay competition, and invites students at Universities and Colleges of Higher and Further Education in Scotland to submit 1,000 word articles on the subject of sexual morality with the aim of winning a first prize of £500 with two runner-up prizes of £300 and £200 respectively.

Throughout the centuries, the subject of sexual morality has provoked a wide range of responses from the puritanical to the libertarian. The HSS is interested to know what you think it means today, and what it might mean tomorrow. We hope that your contributions will offer more fresh thinking and engaging insights than Justin Timberlake has so far offered to this age old question.

The entries will be read by a panel of distinguished judges from the worlds of philosophy, the arts and journalism, and a short list of five finalists will be invited to deliver them live at the Society’s Autumn conference, which is on the theme “Sex Matters” in Pitlochry on October 27th 2007, in front of an appreciative audience. If the competition is judged a success, it will become an annual event.

Entry is open to anyone currently studying in full time further education in Scotland.

Entries can be submitted by email to essay@humanism-scotland.org.uk

or by post to
The Humanist Society of Scotland,
272 Bath Street,
Glasgow G2 4JR.
Telephone: 0870 874 9002.

The final entry date is October 20th 2007.

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