
Offer from Conscience magazine for IHEU supporters

  • Date / 29 February 2008

Conscience magazine has offered to send a complimentary copy of its Winter 2007/08 issue to IHEU supporters. Conscience is a quarterly newsjournal published by Catholics for Choice and the issue is dedicated to an examination of church/state issues in the EU, the US and Latin America.

Dear Colleagues:

We are offering IHEU members and supporters a complimentary copy of Conscience magazine, published quarterly by Catholics for Choice (CFC). CFC is a pro-choice, pro-contraception, pro-sexual rights and pro-separation of church and state nonprofit based in Washington, DC. We promote ethical perspectives which respect women’s rights and religious freedom worldwide and tackle such topics as the religious right, reproductive health, sexuality, bioethics and the Catholic hierarchy’s role in global politics.

Following the ground-breaking Religion and Politics in the New Europe forum we organized at the European Parliament in November,CFC published the Winter 2007/08 issue of Conscience which offers sharp analysis on complexchurch/state issues- both in the US and abroad. We thought you might find it interesting. In "Playing with Fire," Jodi Enda speaks to the strategic use of religion in the 2008 US presidential elections and the response of voters. Neil Datta explores the extent to which religious sentiment is on the decline in European private life and how it has affected the church and its influence on matters of the state.

Other articles grapple with the reaches of the Catholic church’s political power in the EU and Latin America and how our private lives are directly affected by the interplay of religion and policy.

We would be glad to send you a copy free of charge. If you are interested, please contact Amy Hutchinson by email at conscience@catholicsforchoice.org, by phone at 1+(202) 986-6093, or by post at Catholics for Choice, 1436 U Street NW, Suite 301, Washington, DC 20009, USA. Please don’t forget to include your mailing address.

For more information on Catholics for Choice or Conscience magazine, please visit our Web site at www.catholicsforchoice.org.

Thank you!

Conscience is the quarterly newsjournal of Catholic opinion published by Catholics for Choice. It offers in-depth coverage of a range of topics, including women’s rights in society and in religions, reproductive rights, sexuality and gender, ethics and bioethics, feminist theology, social justice, church and state issues, and the role of religion in formulating public policy.

Our readership numbers approximately 15,000, and includes national and international opinion leaders and policymakers, librarians, members of the clergy and the press, and leaders in the fields of theology, ethics, and women’s studies. Conscience is available in Borders, BooksAMillion and independent bookstores throughout the United States.

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