
Conference to Remember Du’a Khalil and denounce Honour Killings globally

  • post Type / Conferences
  • Date / 31 March 2008

A year after the world was stunned by images of a 17-year-old girl being stoned to death in Iraqi Kurdistan, an international panel will debate the rise of honour killings, violence against women, gender apartheid and political Islam in Kurdistan/Iraq and the Middle East. High-profile speakers will include women’s rights activists, academics and experts from Kurdistan, Iraq, Iran, Sweden, New Zealand and Britain.

Date: Saturday 12 April, 2008
Time: 5.00-9:00pm
Address: University of London Union (ULU), Room 3D, Malet Street London WC1E 7HY (Closest underground: Russell Square)

The speakers will include:

– Dr Sandra Phelps: Head of Sociology Department, Kurdistan University
– Houzan Mahmoud: representative of Organisation Women’s Freedom in Iraq
– Heather Harvey: head of women’s campaign-Amnesty International in UK
– Maryam Namazie: Spokesperson of Equal Rights Now; Organisation against Women’s Discrimination in Iran
– Maria Hagberg: Cofounder of Network against Honour Killings in Sweden
– Azar Majedi: Chair of Organisation for Women’s Liberation in Iran

Chair: Maria Exall, Communication Workers’ Union National Executive in UK

For more information and to confirm your attendance please contact the organiser: Houzan Mahmoud: houzan2007@yahoo.com Tel: 07534264481 Organisation of Women’s Freedom in Iraq- Abroad representative `www.equalityiniraq.com

Organisation of Women’s Freedom in Iraq (OWFI)

A call to remember Du’a Khalil Aswad and denounce “Honour killings” globally!

A year ago images were posted on the internet of 17 year old Du’a Khalil Aswad, savagely stoned to death by a crowd of hundreds of people which included several of her own relatives. It sparked outrage across the world.
Dua’s “crime” was to fall in love with someone from outside “her own” religious and ethnic group.

Despite public outrage and protests, since then hundreds of women have been killed, or driven to commit suicide in Kurdistan and Iraq, in so-called “honour killings”.

The Organisation of Women’s Freedom in Iraq and the International Campaign Against Killing and Stoning of Women in Kurdistan have made a huge effort to expose this atrocity and the many others like it internationally.

This year, on 7 April, we will commemorate Dua’s and all victims of “Honour killing” in a week of action in different countries across the world.

Other events include:


Date: 17th April 2008
Time: 7:00PM
Address: Niebyl-Proctor Marxist Library
6501 Telegraph Ave,
Oakland, CA 94609-1113
Ph: (510) 595-7417
Kayvon-Dokht Shakibaee: Iranian human and women’s rights activist
Sunsara Taylor: Writer for Revolution newspaper, journalist and women’s rights activist
Dr. Sureya Sayadi: Human and women’s rights activist

For more information please contact the organiser Dr. Sayadi:
E-mail: drpeacess@yahoo.com Tel (925) 327- 0001

A gathering to remember Du’a will take place at:

Saturday 12th of April 2008
Venue: Trout Lake Park
3300 Victoria Drive

For more information please contact Amal Osman: 6048740659


A gathering will be held Zurich:
8001 Zürich
For more information please contact on the following telephone numbers:
Shara Aziz: 078 74 33 572
Sardar Hamid: 076 377 74 66


A seminar will be held in Stockholm;

On Monday 14/04/2008 At: 17.30-19.30
Sensus, Maria Torget. Stockholm

For more information please contact Rega rauf: Tel: 0046 73 912 66 75

Date: Saturday 12/04/2008
Time: Venue: Rådhuspladsen
For more information please contact Gulzar Abdulqadir: hazhen2001@yahoo.com

We will organize activities to expose “cultures”, “traditions”, and religious norms and laws which cause all these brutalities against women in the region.

We call on you to join our efforts and endorse this call.

For more information and to endorse this call please contact:
Houzan Mahmoud: houzan2007@yahoo.com Tel: +44 7534264481
Rega Rauf: rega_svensson@yahoo.com

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