
Atheist bus campaign reaches Madrid

  • post Type / Campaigns
  • Date / 26 January 2009

Unión de Ateos y Librepensadores reports: From Monday January 26 2009, buses on routes 1 and 17 will be on the move in Malaga bearing the slogan “Probablemente dios no existe. Deja de preocuparte y disfruta la vida” (There’s probably no god. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life). Also, on Tuesday 27 January 2009, the bus advertising campaign will begin on routes 3 and 5 in Madrid.

With the arrival of the campaign buses in these two Spanish cities, UAL plans a demonstration to greet one of the first atheist buses at the end of route 3 in Madrid, located at the junction of the Calle Mayor and Calle Bailén.

The demonstration will be held on Tuesday 27 January 2009 at approximately 17:00. The time is approximate because it is not possible to predict the exact time of arrival of the bus.

Unión de Ateos y Librepensadores (Union of Atheists and Freethinkers – UAL)
Asociación Madrileña de Ateos y Librepensadores (Madrid Association of Atheists and Freethinkers – AMAL)
Ateus de Catalunya (Atheists of Catalunya)
Associació Valenciana d’Ateus i Lliurepensadors (Valencian Association of Atheists and Freethinkers – AVALLE)
Ateneu Eclèctic i Liberal d’Ateus i Agnòstics (Eclectic and Liberal Cultural Society of Atheists and Agnostics)
Unión de CyberAteos – Foro Ateo (Union of CyberAtheists – Atheist Forum)

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