Association des Jeunes Humanistes de Guinée, otherwise known as the Guinea Youth Humanists Association (AJHG), is a non profit organisation that exists to empower and unite youth across racial, ethnic, religious, social and cultural lines for social justice, multicultural harmony and peace.
AJHG gives particular attention to the plight of troubled and needy youth and to those victimized by conflict, exploitation and personal violation. It recognises the universal declaration of human rights as basis of its action and services and works for the promotion of youth and youth organisation in program areas such as:
1. Human rights,
2. democracy,
3. environment,
4. population,
5. health,
6. and drugs.
AJHG carries out activities such as community development and leadership training, seminars, workshops and conferences to raise awareness on problems confronting youth and generate effective responses. It encourages communication and cooperative efforts among youth serving organisations around the world.
Amara Conte is the President and contact person for AJHG.