The Association for Secular Humanism in Malawi (ASH) announces its National Conference as follows:
Date: 4th to 5th September 2009
Venue: Lilongwe Hotel, Malawi
Time: 09.00 hours
Theme: Humanism, Religion and Witchcraft in Malawi
Presentations to include:
1. Religion as an obstacle to women /gender equality in Malawi
2. The difference between Scientific and Supernatural means of knowing
3. Colonization, Religion and Nationalization
4. Humanism and Youth development in Malawi
5. Living without God and Humanism Values
6. Humanism in Africa with practical experience from Uganda and Nigeria
7. The effects of unjustified Fear
This event is supported by the International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU), but the Association for Secular Humanism is looking for donations from friends and well wishers to support local humanists to attend.
For inquiries and donations, please contact: Mr. George Thindwa, The Executive Director, The Association for Secular Humanism, P.O Box 2430, Lilongwe, Malawi
Email:[email protected]
Tel: + 265 8888 53 150