Mina Ahadi and Nazanin Afshin-Jam write: “Behnoud Shojaee and Akram Mahdavi are scheduled to be executed in Evin prison this Sunday October 11, 2009, which falls one day after the International Day Against Execution. Some reports say that they may be executed tomorrow. Another juvenile, Safar Angooti is scheduled to be executed on October 21st. The Supreme Court is also deciding the fate of another minor on death row, Ali Mahin Torabi. This sad news is worrying the families of these youngsters, NGO’s and human rights activists internationally.
“We ask all human rights defenders, and international organizations to act immediately to stop child executions. We invite all Iranian freedom fighters to protest by showing their solidarity and showing their displeasure and disgust by pressuring the Iranian authorities for a stay of execution. Hand in hand let’s do the right thing to save these young lives.”
For more information about these children and 160+ other children on death row, please visit www.stopchildexecutions.com
PLEASE WRITE IMMEDIATELY in your own language:
Leader of the Islamic Republic:
Ayatollah Sayed ‘Ali Khamenei
The Office of the Supreme Leader
Islamic Republic Street – End of Shahid Keshvar Doust Street,
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Email: via website: http://www.leader.ir/lang/en/index.php?p=letter (English)
http://www.leader.ir/langs/fa/index.php?p=letter (Persian)
Head of the Judiciary:
Ayatollah Sadeqh Larijani
Howzeh Riyasat-e Qoveh Qazaiyeh (Office of the Head of the Judiciary)
Pasteur St., Vali Asr Ave., south of Serah-e Jomhouri,
Tehran 1316814737,
Islamic Republic of Iran
Email: Via website: http://www.dadiran.ir/tabid/81/Default.aspx
Director, Human Rights Headquarters of IranMohammad Javad Larijani
Howzeh Riassat-e Ghoveh Ghazaiyeh
Pasteur St, Vali Asr Ave., south of Serah-e Jomhuri,
Tehran 1316814737,
Islamic Republic of Iran
Fax 01198 21 3390 4986 (please keep trying)
Email: fsharafi@bia-judiciary.ir or int_aff@judiciary.ir (In the subject line: FAO Mohammad Javad Larijani)
Mina Ahadi, Head of the “International Committee Against Execution” http://www.adpi.net/
Nazanin Afshin-Jam , President and Co-Founder “Stop Child Executions” www.stopchildexecutions.com
نامه مشترك مينا احدي و نازنين افشين براي نجات جان محكومين نوجواني كه سه روز ديگر اعدام ميشوند
بهنود شجاعي و اكرم مهدوي در روز يكشنبه 11 اكتبر يك روز بعد از روز جهاني عليه اعدام قرار است در زندان اوين اعدام شوند. خبر از اعدام تعداد بيشتري در اين روز و همچنين اعدام صفر انگوتي در 21 اكتبر است. دادگاه عالي رسيدگي به حكم اعدام علي مهين ترابي نيز دو هفته ديگر برگزار ميشود. همه اينها باعث نگراني بسيار زياد خانواده هاي اين محكومين به مرگ و همچنين نهادهاي عليه اعدام شده است.
ما از همه سازمانهاي مدافع حقوق انسان و از همه نهادهاي بين المللي خواهان اقدام عاجل و فوري براي جلوگيري از اعدام اين نوجوانان هستيم. از همه ايرانيان آزاده در سراسر دنيا دعوت ميكنيم كه فورا به حركات اعتراضي دست زده و با برگزاري تحصن و تظاهرات و پيكت هاي اعتراضي و از هرطريق ممكن فشار بياورند كه اين اعدامها ملغي شود.
ما ميتوانيم جان اين نوجوانان را نجات دهيم. دست به دست هم دهيم و كاري كنيم كه اين احكام اعدام فورا لغو شوند.
مينا احدي – كميته بين المللي عليه اعدام
نازنين افشين جم – نهاد اعدام كودكان ممنوع
Jalil Jalili, WPI-UK
Tel: 07950924434
Address: BM Box 6754, London WC1N 3XX