The IHEU General Assembly 2010 will be held at the offices of Centre d’Action Laique (CAL), Campus de la Plaine – CP 236, Avenue Arnaud Fraiteur, Acces 2, 1050, Brussels, Belgium on Friday 6 August 2010 (9.30 am to 5.30 pm) and Saturday 7 August 2010 (9.30 am to 12.30 pm). There will also be a preliminary session at the same venue on Thursday 5 August 2010 (2.00 pm to 5.00 pm) with presentations on campaigning in India, Humanism in Belgium and Secularism. All those registering will be sent further. information
Forms are now available to register for the GA, to make nominations to fill the positions of two Vice-Presidents (members of the IHEU Executive Committee) and to propose resolutions for the GA.
- The deadline for Resolutions for the General Assembly was 7 June 2010.
- The deadline for Nominations for the Executive Committee was 22 June 2010.
UPDATE (13 May): In addition to registering, if you want to book lunches for the GA on Friday and Saturday you also need to pay 20 Euros. If you want to book for dinner on Friday you will need to pay 40 Euros. Payments should be made into FORTIS Bank account number: IBAN: BE45 0010 5415 6489 BIC: GEBABEBB stating reference: IHEU August 2010 + your name. Without prepayment, these meals will not be booked.
Delegates will also need to book accommodation directly with a hotel. Directions to the venue and information on local hotels are now available on the web site.
- Proxy votes: Member Organizations that are in good standing, and that are not able to send a representative, may nominate a proxy to vote on their behalf. The proxy shall be a representative of another MO that has registered in time or the chair of the meeting. The proxy vote form must be submitted to the Secretary of the GA by 31 July 2010. A link to the online proxy form will be provided with the final mailing.
- Call for nominations for the 2010 Distinguished Service to Humanism Award: to be presented at the GA, this award recognises the contributions of Humanist activists to International Humanism and to organised Humanism. The names of recent recipients can be found on the website. Nominations should be emailed to
by 22 June 2010, with the name and full contact details on both the nominee and the nominator, name of the MO making the nomination and details of the nominee’s work and contributions to Humanism.
- Call for hosts for the General Assembly in 2012 and 2013: Any Member Organization can offer to be hosts for General Assemblies in 2012 or 2012. Since the IHEU GA will have been held in Europe in 2009, 2010 and 2011, the 2012 GA at least should be somewhere else in the world. Please send your offers to
by 22 June 2010.
- Call for hosts for the Congress (and GA) in 2014: following the 2011 Congress in Oslo, the 2014 Congress should be held outside Europe. Any Member Organization may offer to host the Congress. The host is responsible for making all arrangements and setting the budget for the Congress. The host takes any profit, but also takes the financial risk of hosting the congress. IHEU is not liable for any costs of the Congress. To offer to host a Congress, MOs should read the Congress Regulations and make an initial offer to the EC by emailing
by 22 June 2010. The EC will then invite hosts to provide a full offer document ready for the GA.
Member Organisations are asked to send a one-page report of their 2009 activities to
by 30 June 2010. These reports will be circulated in the GA mailing. Any received after that date will not be circulated. MOs will not be required to give verbal reports at the meeting.
We very much look forward to welcoming registered delegates (representatives of IHEU Member Organizations in good standing, IHEU international representatives, IHEU Officers, paid-up IHEU individual supporters, volunteers and invitees) to the IHEU General Assembly 2010.
Robbi Robson
Secretary to IHEU General Assembly –
London, 7 April 2010