Times without number, I have paused to ask myself how I found myself on the international humanist scene. Really, it is a question I have appreciated more as a critical point of reference to remind me of the wonderful friends and contacts who believed at that time (whether they still share the belief is up to them for I have not had contact with many of them in a while) that there should be a good link between the north based humanist organisations and those in the south. A wonderful idea that must have sprung as a thought on someone’s mind. If that person is still alive (I know the likes of Levi Fragell are advocates of such), then I want them to know that I AM ONE OF THEIR PRODUCTS!
Really, like words like “mum”, read it from the back or from the front, you will get the same word, it is only the meaning you chose to give it that might tilt the understanding. As for me, based on my experience, north-south partnership within the humanist circuit is undoubtedly important and vital. Not just because many of us in the south are too scanty to stand up to our dictatorial and fanatic fellow citizens but also because the shared ideal is better appreciated when you receive news, IEC supports and even books that will help improve your understanding of your conviction. The financial supports received for life-changing projects is also commendable. The IHEU-Hivos annual grant and the Humanist Action for Human Rights grant, I must commend, are worthwhile visions and those that initiated them surely deserve awards, whether they are alive or post-humously.
Surely, I can go on reeling reasons, because I have come to liken north-south partnership in the humanist world with blood. The global humanist movement is a BODY, and for any BODY to survive, it needs BLOOD. That blood, as I see it, is continued and sustained North-South partnership. It is commendable to continue with it!
Yemi Ademowo Johnson