
Notice of IHEU General Assembly 2011

  • post Type / Humanists International News
  • Date / 3 January 2011

The International Humanist and Ethical Union (IHEU) General Assembly 2011 will be held at Hall D, Oslo Congress Centre, Youngs gate 11, Oslo, Norway on Thursday 11 August 2011 (2.00 pm to 5.30 pm) and Monday 15 August 2011 (9.30 am to 12.30 pm). It will be held in conjunction with the 18th World Humanist Congress.

The form to register for the General Assembly and Congress are available on the Congress website www.human.no/oslo2011. Forms are available at http://www.iheu.org/ga-2011-forms  to make nominations to fill the positions of 2 Executive Committee members and to propose resolutions for the GA or Congress. Member Organisations may also nominate candidates for the International Humanist Award and the Distinguished Service to Humanism Award – both of which will be awarded at the Congress dinner.


  • 13 May 2011: Resolutions for the Congress: Member organisations (who are in good standing) may submit items for discussion or resolutions for the Congress (whose theme is: Humanism and Peace), emailed to ga-2011@iheu.org – to be received 90 days before the date of the GA.
  • 12 June 2011: Resolutions for the General Assembly: Member organisations (who are in good standing) may submit items for discussion or resolutions for the General Assembly to be received 60 days before the date of the GA. Agenda items or resolutions must be submitted using the form at: http://www.iheu.org/ga-2011-resolution
  • 12 June 2011: Call for nominations for the 2011 International Humanist Award and Distinguished Service to Humanism Award: to be presented at the Congress dinner. The International Humanist Award recognises outstanding achievements and contributions to the progress and defence of Humanism. The Distinguished Service to Humanism Award recognises the contributions of Humanist activists to International Humanism and to organised Humanism. The names of recent recipients can be found on the IHEU website. Nominations should be emailed to ga-2011@iheu.org, with the name and full contact details on both the nominee and the nominator, award being nominated, name of the Member organisation making the nomination and details of the nominee’s work and contributions to Humanism.
  •  27 June, 2011: Nominations for elections to the IHEU Executive Committee must be received by IHEU 45 days before the General Assembly at the latest. The nominating organisation (who must in a good standing – which means that they have paid their 2011 dues) must complete the form at http://www.iheu.org/ga-2011-nomination and the candidate must complete the acceptance form at http://www.iheu.org/ga-2011-acceptance. There are 2 places available on IHEU’s Executive Committee.
  • 12 July, 2011: Registration for the General Assembly: Everyone attending the GA must submit the registration form 40 days before the GA. This year it is the same as for the Congress. Those who are entitled to attend the GA are representatives of Member Organisations in good standing (ie who have paid their 2010 dues). Also able to attend as observers are paid up individual supporters and other members of Member Organisations in good standing. All delegates who register by the due date will receive an email, by 12 July 2011, giving a password so that they can access the GA agenda and papers from IHEU’s website. There may not be places available for those who do not book by the due date. Delegates will also need to book accommodation. Information on suggested local hotels is on the Congress website.
  • 2 July, 2011: Member Organisations (MOs) are asked to send a one-page report of their activities in 2010 to ga-2011@iheu.org. Any received by 2 July will be included in the GA papers. (no late reports included). MOs will not be required to give verbal reports at the meeting.
  • 1 August 2011: Proxy votes: Member Organisations who are in good standing and who are not able to send a representative, may nominate a proxy to vote on their behalf. The proxy shall either be a representative of another member organisation who has registered in time, or the chair of the meeting. The proxy vote form must be submitted to the Secretary of the GA at ga-2011@iheu.org

We very much look forward to welcoming all registered delegates (representatives of IHEU member organisations in good standing, IHEU international representatives, IHEU Officers, paid-up IHEU individual supporters, volunteers and invitees) to the IHEU General Assembly 2011.

Robbi Robson

Secretary to IHEU General Assembly – ga-2011@iheu.org

London, December 2010

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