
International Humanist Youth Weekend, 27-29 April 2012, the Netherlands

  • post Type / Young Humanists International
  • Date / 1 January 2012

The Dutch Young Humanists, member of IHEYO, are organising an international weekend! Young Humanists from around the world are invited.

What is humanism, and what can it offer me? This is what we will reflect upon during the Spring Weekend of Jong HV, the Young Humanist Union of the Netherlands. During the weekend we will look at humanism, organized and not organized, in the Netherlands, in your own country, internationally. By means of lectures, workshops and good conversations we will try to find out where humanism stands. What kind of humanistic practices exist in different forms of humanism? What is missing? What can humanism do for you? What are our shared humanistic values? These and more questions that hopefully arise to you reading this, will form the hub of the weekend.

Because humanism exists in many forms in many different countries, we welcome humanists from Belgium, Germany, Norway and Sweden, along with the Dutch, to share different, or equal, views on humanism. The lectures and workshops will of course be held completely in English.

The lectures and workshops will be alternated by periods of free time, a beautiful walk through the nearly un-Dutch landscape of Twente(which means there are actually hills, and it’s rather pretty), a movie and a great party! The weekend is a great opportunity to meet humanists from other countries, find new friends, visit old ones, come to the Netherlands, learn more about international humanism and simply to have a great time!

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask! Send an email to info@jonghv.nl, or post it on our Facebook event Wall! We hope to be able to welcome you in Markelo in the Netherlands from April 27 to 29! 

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