IHEYO organized its second European Working Group meeting last February in Berlin. Active humanist youth members were present from: different humanist organizations in Belgium, the Jong HV in the Netherlands, AHS from the UK, HU from Norway, several groups from the BundesJuhus and HVB in Germany, and humanist organizations from Poland.
The meeting started with an update on IHEYO, its fundraising strategy, some of the activities and its role in IHEU. The group brainstormed on celebration activities for the IHEYO ten year celebration such as making a piece of art or collecting pictures. And three members formed the auditing committee and went through the 2011 IHEYO accounts, checking if all costs were spent correctly, and what improvements can be made.
The group talked about two upcoming events: the international humanist youth weekend held end of April in the Netherlands, and the European Humanist European Youth Days, held next year.
European Humanist Youth Days, Belgium, 5th10th August 2013, http://www.revidefro.eu/
The group spent its last morning on discussing communication among each other. Discussing the online tools to use, who will maintain them, and how to collaborate with each other. Regular Skype meetings were planned.
With a lot of inspiration the meeting ended.
PICTURE FIRST PAGE: European Working Group making the Happy Human