Happy Equinox! We are three months away from World Humanist Day on June 21. This is an ideal time to start planning to create a successful World Humanist Day event. And to help Humanist groups and individuals do that, IHEU has created a suite of World Humanist Day resource pages on its website at: http://www.iheu.org/world-humanist-day-overview
The World Humanist Day Support pages include information about the origins and history of World Humanist Day, as well as suggestions for different ways to celebrate it.
Perhaps you want to mark World Humanist Day with a conference or course. Or maybe you want to combine your celebrations with a publicity campaign. Some Humanist organizations put shows on TV, or post Humanist videos online. Others emphasize their global solidarity by raising awareness and money for a freethought group working in a different country. While many Humanist groups throw a party or share a picnic to celebrate their sense of community.
Whatever your interest in World Humanist Day, please visit www.iheu.org/world-humanist-day-overview and share this resource with your local and national Humanist organizations.