The agenda and other papers for the 2012 IHEU General Assembly in Montreal are available below for download by IHEU Member Organizations and representatives authorized to participate in this year’s General Assembly.
The papers for the GA will NOT be available in hard copy form in Montreal. If you want to have a hard copy of the papers at the GA, YOU MUST DOWNLOAD THE PAPERS, PRINT THEM, and bring them to the meeting.
Full details for the General Assembly are available at If you plan to attend the General Assembly, you must register in advance.
You will need a password to open the papers below after downloading them. Member Organizations, MO representatives who have been nominated for this meeting, and all others who have registered for the General Assembly before the deadline will be emailed the password to open the PDF files.
NB. Given the recent serious technical failure with the IHEU web and email server, if you have sent an email to us over the last few weeks and not received a reply, or if you have registered for the GA and have not yet received an email with the password to the GA agenda and papers, please contact me again at
Thank you for your understanding.
Colin Divens, Secretary to IHEU General Assembly
Please read carefully: