
Announcement – General Assembly 7th August 2014 in Oxford, UK

  • post Type / Young Humanists International
  • Date / 24 April 2014

The IHEYO General Assembly 2014 will be held in conjunction with the 19th World Humanist Congress of IHEU in Oxford, United Kingdom. It will take place from 1900 to 2100 dated on Thursday 7th August at one of the congress places. Exact place will be announced very soon. Please register your member organisation in advance or send in your transfered vote, if your organisation will not be able to attend.

This announcement will lead furthermore to the new election for becoming a member organisation of IHEYO or a member of the Executive Committee (EC).

The actual EC of IHEYO exists out of following people:

– Silvana Uhlrich-Knoll, Germany, President IHEYO
– Lin-Marit Bjerkemo, Norway, Secretary
– Nicola Jackson, United Kingdom, Treasurer
– Uttam Niraula, Nepal, Communication officer IHEYO

Working group boards:

– Sven Berg Ryen, Norway/Singapore, Chair of Asian working group AHA
– Sana Sohail, Pakistan, Secretary AHA
– Lennart Kolenberg, Netherlands, Chair of the European working group

As all EC members get elected for two years except the communication officer. The terms of following people will end with the GA 2014. Some of the EC members already announced that they will run for re-election, but nevertheless everybody can apply for following seats within the EC:

– President of IHEYO
– Secretary of IHEYO
– Treasurer of IHEYO
– Chair and Secretary of the African Working group AWG
– Chair and Secretary of the European Working group EWG
– Communication Officer (one year period)

If you are interested to apply for the EC election or in case of any question related to your application, please write to office@iheyo.org. Please use the following forms for any position application inside the EC or for the membership applications of your organisation:


Please note: Membership applications need to be sent in until the end of July, means at least one week in advance of the GA. 

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