
Expanding Humanist Youths in Europe

  • post Type / Young Humanists International
  • Date / 24 April 2014

Since the amazing European Humanist Youth Days, the European Working Group has greatly expended. With new contacts in Ireland, Scotland, Croatia, Malta and France, the working group is moving confidently into the new year! Coming February(22nd-23rd) representatives from all over Europe will meet in the Netherlands, for the annual face-to-face meeting.

During this meeting, which will also host the annual Auditing Committee, we will talk about events in the coming year. A new setup for an international exchange program will be discussed here, as well as big upcoming events like the Oxford World Humanist Congress (August 2014) and the organization of the 2015 European Humanist Youth Days.

Anyone interested in meeting young humanists from all over Europe are very welcome to join in! Next to the issues being discussed, the working group meeting is a great way to meet new interesting people from all over Europe and enlarge your and our network. Keep informed on the IHEYO Facebook and website, and don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions on: lennart.kolenberg@iheyo.org

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