Andrew Copson, President of the IHEU
Andrew Copson was a special guest a celebration dinner organised to celebrate the 10 year anniversary of the Danish Humanist Association.
Since its founding in 2008, the Danish Humanist Association has made significant achievements. From establishing an increasingly popular programme of humanist ceremonies, to becoming a serious voice within Danish politics and society.
One of the organisations major international achievements was its successful campaign to repeal its blasphemy law in 2017. This was supported by the International Humanist and Ethical Union.
Speaking to members, volunteers and activists from the Danish Humanist Association, Copson told them:
“It’s really quite amazing that in just 10 years the organisation has grown in the way that it has.
“Since the establishment of the Danish humanist Association back in 2008, it has achieved so many great things in Danish society. One of the most important of these things has been the establishment and promotion of humanist ceremonies, as a meaningful alternative to religious ceremonies. These ceremonies have continued to grow in popularity, and I imagine that many of you here today in this room are humanist celebrants. This is such an important job, it is literally humanism an action. Humanist ceremonies give shape to our values and our mission, as humanists.
“In this relatively short time, we have watched across Europe and throughout the world as the Danish Humanist Association becomes a real active voice in Denmark for a progressive, secular future.”