Last World Humanist Congress was in Oxford in 2014, now is the turn of Miami, from 6 to 9 August! Have you booked your ticket yet? Have a look at the new speakers announced and please follow the Facebook page of the event, because in the next few days we are going to announce the names of the first keynote speakers!
The American Humanist Association is proud to host the 2020 World Humanist Congress in Miami (Florida, USA) in partnership with Humanists International. The theme of this year’s Congress is: “Beyond Borders: Our Global Humanist Culture“.
The Congress is expected to bring together over 100 humanist organizations and 800 delegates from all over the world for a 3-day program of plenary sessions and panel discussions. Humanists International and Young Humanists International will also host their respective General Assemblies, open to all Members, Associates and individual supporters – register now if you haven’t done so yet!
You will enjoy international speakers, arts and performances, workshops, leadership training, and vital networking to make connections while strengthening and building the global movement.
The 2020 Congress will focus on the values and ideas that unite the global humanist movement: What brings us together to create a cohesive global humanist culture? What does it mean to be a humanist?
We’ll examine humanist perspectives on human rights, the importance of supporting apostates and ending blasphemy laws, the humanist roles in issues of migration and the climate crisis, approaches to death and loss, the role of young humanists, humanist education, ways to use mass media to spread information, and much more. We will forge new connections and strengthen existing contacts, helping to better understand each other and grow the humanist community around the globe!