On 29 June, Humanists International launched its annual fundraising campaign to raise £25,000 needed to assist humanists who risk their lives to defend humanist values in their countries. In just two days, we managed to raise more than £2000. Our Belgian Member deMens.nu is among the many supporters and organizations that replied to the appeal.
Anne-France Ketelaer, deMens.nu’s Chief Executive, explained the reason why her organization supported the campaign for the second year in a row:
“Solidarity is an amazing thing. It binds us together no matter how far we are apart. We help each other progress into a better world.
“As humanists we pride ourselves in thinking before we act. It’s what makes our actions valid and effective. But thoughts alone aren’t enough in our fight against intolerance. So we put our money where our thoughts are. In solidarity with those who need it most.
“Today, for a better world tomorrow.”
We need your help to keep assisting humanists at risk all around the world. Please help us to make a difference by making a donation today to our Protect Humanists At Risk campaign: any amount will help.
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