In many parts of the world, humanists, atheists, and other non-religious people are routinely persecuted for their beliefs. It’s for this reason that Humanists International launches an annual fundraising campaign to continue assisting humanists who risk their lives to defend humanist values in their countries.
Jillian Brennan, Chief Executive Officer of the Humanist Association of Ireland, explained the reason why her organization supported the campaign with such an important donation:
“The Humanist Association of Ireland is happy to support Humanists International in the difficult work that they do to support Humanists at risk around the world. It is hard to understand in the 21st century how there are still countries where a person’s beliefs can be treated as a crime, and people are persecuted for their humanist beliefs.”
Gary McLelland, Chief Executive of Humanists International, commented:
“We were thrilled to receive this donation from the Humanist Association of Ireland, which will make a real difference to people who face severe persecution for their humanist beliefs. Our heartfelt thanks goes out to Jillian and the team, for going above and beyond to help humanists who don’t enjoy the same freedoms as we do.”
You can visit our Campaign Supporters page to find out more.
If your organization or group would like to support the campaign, please visit https://humanists.international/protect or email [email protected]
If you believe every humanist should have the right to a life free from persecution, please show your solidarity and support with a donation today. With your support, we can continue to help as many people as possible in the weeks and months ahead.