“We want to help protect those individuals who fear for their life when exercising their fundamental human rights”, said Bob Reuter, the President of the organization.
In many parts of the world, humanists, atheists, and other non-religious people are routinely persecuted, often forced to hide their beliefs and values, to avoid discrimination, prison terms, or even death – be it from state-sanctioned punishment or vigilante violence. It is for this reason that Humanists International launches an annual fundraising campaign to assist humanists who risk their lives to defend humanist values in their own countries.
Bob Reuter, President of AHA Luxembourg, explained why his organization is committed to supporting the campaign:
“Humanism is about speaking our minds freely and openly. All ideas should be open for debate. Ideas are not untouchable. This is what brings us forward, in science, politics, and in society, the open debate of ideas.
“We are lucky and thankful to live in an open society, where everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression as well as the right to freedom of thought, conscience, and religion. However, in many countries, people still put themselves and their families at risk when they openly criticize prevailing religious dogmas. We want to help protect those individuals who fear for their life, their liberty, and their security of person when exercising their fundamental human rights.
“We are especially concerned about the safety of Mubarak Bala, president of the Humanist Association in Nigeria, who has been in detention, since 28 April 2020, because he peacefully exercised his right to freedom of expression and religion or belief. We are also worried about the signal that such imprisonments send to humanists all over the world. Some may choose to remain silent when faced with potential charges of blasphemy and offending religious feelings. This would hurt us all because it puts the respect for certain ideas over the welfare of human beings.”
Gary McLelland, Chief Executive of Humanists International, commented:
“We are enormously grateful to Bob and the team at AHA Luxembourg for this incredibly generous donation to help protect humanists at risk once again this year. Their continued support of the campaign sends a clear signal of solidarity to people around the world who find themselves under threat as a result of their humanist beliefs. Thanks to the ongoing support of AHA Luxembourg, we will continue to do everything we can to help as many people as possible.”
To find out more about AHA Luxembourg, you can visit our Campaign Supporters page.
If your organization or group would like to support the campaign, please email [email protected]
Individuals can support the campaign too online at humanists.international/protect
If you believe every humanist should have the right to a life free from persecution, please show your solidarity and support with a donation today. With your support, we can continue to help as many people as possible in the weeks and months ahead.