European Humanist Federation dissolves
The European Humanist Federation dissolves at an extraordinary General Assembly on 18 December 2022.
The European Humanist Federation dissolves at an extraordinary General Assembly on 18 December 2022.
At an extraordinary General Assembly on 18 December 2022, the European Humanist Federation decided to dissolve. The 24 member organizations present voted unanimously to end the mandate of the board and appointed liquidators who, in accordance with Belgian law, will carry out the dissolution of the organization.
The cooperation between the European humanist and atheist organizations will continue in Humanists International. “We are pleased to have completed the transfer of tasks from the EHF to Humanists International
and, together with Humanists International, to have laid the foundations for both further strengthening the Humanist Network in Europe and ensuring that Humanism retains a strong voice with the European political
institutions”, said the last President of the EHF Michael Bauer at the end of the General Assembly.
Due to special funding provided by European organizations Humanists International has started both a European Policy Forum and a Capacity Building and Networking project with a focus on humanist services.
Tania Giacomuzzi Mota,
European Advocacy Officer
Lone Ree Milkær,
Humanist Professionals Network Manager
European Humanist Federation was founded in 1991 and has since then been the cooperative body of humanist, agnostic and atheist organizations in Europe. It was based in Brussels, and the Belgian Centre d’Action laïque hosted the organization until 2020. The primary focus of the organization was advocacy activities in the European Parliament and European Commission.
The influence and the voice of a joint European Humanist Movement have been invaluable and will not disappear with the dissolvement of the European Humanist Federation.