
Humanists Brazil launches pioneering e-book on humanism

  • post Type / Members and partners
  • Date / 16 May 2024

Humanists Brazil has taken a step towards promoting humanism in the country with the release of a 20,000-word Portuguese publication which serves as an introductory guide to humanism.

The e-book is available for free and aims to clear up widespread misconceptions about humanism in Brazil.

In Brazil, humanism is often confused with “Catholic humanism” or “humanistic psychology”. This e-book aims to resolve these misunderstandings by providing clear and accurate information about humanism and the mission of Humanists Brazil. By educating the public, Humanists Brazil hopes to foster a better understanding of its organizational values and goals.

The e-book has already been downloaded 24 times as of writing. One reader has volunteered to translate the book into two additional languages, and the owner of a major Brazilian atheism website, inspired by the e-book, proposed a collaboration to further spread the message.

Download the ebook here.

Jonas Felipe Abreu de Sousa, Southeast Director of Humanists Brazil, commented:

“Usually, people interact very little with our page, so 24 downloads in 3 months is considerably high. As it’s a book, we expect the return to be muchslower.

“These first results are a success.”

Photo by Matheus Câmara da Silva on Unsplash

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