
Humanists International launches Humanist Pledge for 2024 European Elections

  • post Type / Advocacy News
  • Date / 30 May 2024

Humanists International, in cooperation with many of its European Members, has launched a Humanist Pledge for the upcoming European Parliamentary Elections. The Pledge represents a commitment by candidate Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) to the 2024 European elections to support fundamental humanist values.

The Humanist Pledge emphasises principles such as the defence of human rights, rule of law, and liberal democracy; the rejection of populist nationalism and politics of fear and scapegoating ; the importance of secularism and evidence-based decision-making; the protection of self-determination and bodily autonomy; strengthening EU democracy through civil society inclusion and a free media; and urgent, equitable climate action guided by science. This initiative aims to create a transparent public record of candidate MEPs’ positions on key humanist issues, facilitating informed decision-making and mobilising public support.

The Humanist Pledge is available in 11 European languages on the dedicated webpage. The page also includes a list of the candidate MEPs who have signed the pledge and therefore have committed to its humanist principles. It also features links to their national parties’ pages that provide information on their political views. Furthermore, it shows the European parties to which these national parties are affiliated and provides their manifestos for the 2024 elections.

Signatories of the pledge include a Vice President of the European Parliament and several lists’ number ones.

With this initiative, Humanists International and its European Policy Forum aim to contribute to the democratic conversations ahead of the June 2024 European elections, providing accessible information to engage voters and enable informed decision-making.

The Pledge was drafted by the Humanists International Advocacy team in cooperation with the European Policy Forum Members, comprising 21 European Member Organizations. Operating as a self-funded project under Humanists International, the Forum focuses on coordinating advocacy efforts across national and European policy arenas.

Featured photo by Ali Levlog on Pexels.

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