The joint statement was delivered by Mirane Vella of Humanists Malta as part of the Universal Periodic Review process (UPR)*, and began by outlining the influential position of the Catholic Church in Malta, as illustrated through its place in the Constitution and its routine favoring by state institutions themselves.
Ms. Vella continued by providing examples of the ways that this influence has manifested and slowed change in Malta. These examples included the lack of obligation to provide Comprehensive Sexuality Education, and the fact that any which is provided is filtered through the beliefs of teachers and emphasizes abstinence.
The statement acknowledged the positive steps Malta has committed to as part of the UPR process, including the establishment of an National Human Rights Institution and the development and implementation of Comprehensive Sexuality Education. Malta, as was highlighted by the organizations, has one of the highest rates of syphilis and HIV in Europe, as well as among the lowest use of contraceptives by teenagers.
While welcoming the positive commitments, the organizations were critical of Malta’s refusal to accept any of the numerous recommendations made in relation to abortion. Malta’s current position on abortion contravenes numerous international standards related to realizing the rights of women.
This statement follows a written submission made by Humanists Malta in 2023 in collaboration with the Aditus Foundation. This submission highlighted many of the same issues and sought to influence the UPR process and provide reviewing states with recommendations that could be formally made.
*The Universal Periodic Review (UPR) is a UN process which involves a periodic review of the human rights records of all 193 UN Member States, by each other. It is a unique human rights mechanism in so far as it addresses all countries and all human rights. The Working Group on the UPR, which is composed of the Human Rights Council’s 47 Member States and chaired by the Human Rights Council President, conducts country reviews. Humanists International supports its members in engagement with the process.
Featured photo by Eva Darron on Unsplash
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