
At UN, Tutul Chowdhury calls for respect of freedom of expression in Bangladesh

  • post Type / Advocacy News
  • Date / 26 September 2024

At the 57th Session of the UN Human Rights Council, Humanists International have called for investigations into killings and protections for secular bloggers and religious minorities

At the 57th Session of the UN Human Rights Council, Ahmedur Tutul Chowdhury, on behalf of Humanists International, called on the interim government of Bangladesh to investigate human rights abuses and to ensure the protection of fundamental rights. His statement, delivered during a General Debate, focused on the killing of protestors and the persecution of secular bloggers and religious minorities.

The statement highlighted the need for accountability following the deaths of hundreds of protestors, many of whom were allegedly killed by police in extrajudicial actions. He urged the interim government to investigate these human rights violations and hold the perpetrators accountable​.

Tutul delivers the statement by video

As Bangladesh faces a period of political transition, the statement emphasized the importance of including diverse voices in governmental reforms. This is a critical moment for Bangladesh to ensure that the rights of all its citizens are protected. Key among these rights, he noted, is freedom of expression, which includes the right to criticize political parties and policies without fear of retribution​​.

Tutul’s statement noted the increasing persecution being faced by religious minorities, and called for Bangladesh to ensure it did not return to an era of violence which saw state persecution and extrajudicial killings of secular blogger. Tutul, himself, fled Bangladesh in 2016, after attempts were made on his life.

Featured photo by Bornil Amin on Unsplash

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