Humanist Mubarak Bala leaves prison with his legal representative James Ibor Photo: Etinosa Yvonne
President of the Humanist Association of Nigeria, Mubarak Bala, was apprehended at his home in Kaduna State on 28 April 2020 in connection with a complaint filed against him relating to his Facebook posts. At the time of his arrest in April 2020, serving police officers were among those who publicly threatened to kill him.
From the moment that Humanists International was alerted to the news, the organization, together with its global network of Members and supporters mobilized, raising public awareness and much-needed funds to support his legal defense.
Despite the context of a global pandemic, a weak judicial system, and the nature of the allegations against him, Humanists International was able to secure legal representation for Bala.
Even de facto ‘blasphemy’ accusations may trigger mob violence before authorities even get involved. Nigeria’s history is rife with mob killings and deadly riots over alleged ‘blasphemy’ against Islam. According to domestic media reports, at least 300 people have been killed as a result of violence provoked by ‘blasphemy’ allegations since 1999. Perpetrators of such violent acts face almost complete impunity for their crimes. In contrast, such killings often receive public support from influential individuals, including Islamic preachers, businessmen and government officials.
In Northern Nigeria, where Sharia law and common law operate in parallel; the ultimate penalty for a Muslim accused of ‘blasphemy’ is death. Lawyers in the north, may therefore, naturally, be cautious about taking up such cases to avoid being tarnished by association. In Bala’s case, there were many who felt that he should face the same penalty.
Over the course of the next four years, together with a coalition of international actors, the organization was able to ensure Bala had support throughout his ordeal. After Bala pled guilty to the charges under duress, his legal team was able to mount a successful appeal that led to the reduction of his 24-year sentence to five years.
In August 2022, together with partners, we were able to secure Bala’s transfer from Gorun Dutse prison in northern Nigeria to Kuje prison in Abuja, where he could be closer to his wife and child, and where it was hoped that he would be safer.
In 2024, thanks to our partnership with NGOs Freedom Now and Freedom House’s Political Prisoners Initiative, together with Dechert LLP, the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention (UNWGAD) released its opinion that the Nigerian State violated international law by detaining Bala. Concluding that he was wrongfully imprisoned for exercising his right to freedom of thought, conscience, religion or belief and that because of this violation no trial should have taken place.
Together with our global network of members, we were able to map out safe points of entry for Bala when he was ultimately released from prison on 19 August 2024, 1,574 days after he was detained.
There is little doubt that Mubarak’s long struggle for freedom would not have been successful if it was not for the dedicated and selfless advocacy of Dr. Leo Igwe and the legal expertise of lead counsel James Ibor, among many others. Igwe and Ibor continued to liaise closely with Bala throughout his incarceration and were pivotal in securing a 20-year reduction in his initial sentence. Against a backdrop of severe tension and threats of violence and intimidation, they were unwavering in their efforts to support Mubarak.
Humanists International also worked closely with many state delegations and partner organizations, including the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom, the UN Special Rapporteurs, and others. This work often involved in-depth and subtle diplomatic communication and reporting. Humanists International hopes to fully recognize the sheer volume of cooperation and partnership working in due course.
Mubarak and his family have also been assisted by many hard-working individuals around the world who have provided social support, practical support to Mubarak and his family, and friendship and solace during his four years in prison.
Humanists International welcomes news of the release of Mubarak Bala, however, it reiterates that he should never have been detained in the first place. The organization once again thanks all those individuals and organizations without whose support this work would not have been possible. The organization hopes that Bala will one day be able to return to his homeland, and resume his work.
Andrew Copson, President of Humanists International
Andrew Copson, President of Humanists International, stated:
“Today, we celebrate Mubarak Bala’s release – a hard-won victory that fills us with immense joy and relief. This triumph would not have been possible without the unwavering dedication of Humanists International’s staff, the tireless advocacy of Leo Igwe, the expertise of James Ibor and Bala’s legal team, and the invaluable support of our partner organizations. We extend our deepest gratitude to each and every one of them. While we rejoice in Mubarak’s freedom, we remain committed to fighting for the countless others who remain unjustly imprisoned for their beliefs. Their struggle is our struggle, and we will not relent until they too are free.”
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