
Baltic humanist conference – Stockholm

  • post Type / Conferences
  • Date / 2 March 2006

Plans for a high-profile three-day event for the Nordic and Baltic countries are developing. It is now confirmed that it will be held on 10-12 November 2006, at Campus Konradsbergin in central Stockholm, Sweden. The event will be organised by IHEU member organisation Humanisterna (Swedish Humanist Association), in cooperation with the Norwegian Humanist Association, IHEU and EHF. Humanists and Humanist Organisations from the region are invited.

Primary goals for the Conference:

  • To strengthen organised Humanism in the Baltic region and support further cooperation between humanists in Northern Europe
  • To optain increased media attention to Humanism and its main concerns

For details:
Staffan Gunnarson, Project Coordinator, Baltic Conference,
Humanisterna, Box 16241, SE-103 24 Stockholm, Sweden.
Phone: +46 8 50862290
Email: [email protected]
Further information is available at: http://www.humanisterna.se/hTexter.asp?f=s&t=105.

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