
Become the next IHEYO Treasurer 2012-2014!

  • post Type / Young Humanists International
  • Date / 15 May 2011

IHEYO, Youth Section of IHEU (up to 35 years of age) is working together with many groups and individuals around the world. With humanism in practice IHEYO means all humanist, freethinker, laique, skeptic, rationalist, atheist, agnostics, etc. groups. IHEYO is governed by a board/Executive Committee (EC) with young active humanists from Africa, Asia and Europe. Before the coming IHEYO General Assembly IHEYO is looking for a Treasurer for a two year term. The General Assembly will be held mid August. In the months before the meeting, a new candidate can participate in the EC and be guided by the current Treasurer if need be, so he/she has a good idea about the office. IHEU is supporting IHEYO in its financial management. This means the Treasurer does not need to do really a lot of transaction, but mainly accord them and keep the overview.

Why become Treasurer of IHEYO?

•You are part of an international team of young active humanists.
•You can attend IHEYO international meetings and meet young humanists all over the world.
•You learn more about financial management in an international setting. This might be a handy skill or asset for your later career.
•You learn more about international governance of a very interesting network.
•You can contribute to the network and thus support young humanists all over the world, by the essential work that you do.
What is expected of the Treasurer of IHEYO?
•The Treasurer decides on all claims in collaboration with the EC and implements the financial guidelines. The claims are paid by IHEU on accord of the Treasurer.
•She/he develops the annual budget and keeps the costs on track, so there is no unexpected overspending.
•He/she keeps the account of all claims in paper and electronic copy.
•She/he supports with reporting and fundraising in preparing financial budgets and cost overviews.
•He/she prepares financial contract with IHEYO members and volunteers, etc.
•She/he attends IHEYO international meetings, based upon active commitment.
•An active commitment to be at least once a week available to check emails and follow up on them. It is possible to ask another EC member to take of the work for a period of time if you are unavailable. However, commitment on a regular basis is essential.
•In terms of time commitment, as Treasurer you are around a few hours per week occupied, including regular monthly or biweekly EC meetings.

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