
Are you warming up for October?

  • post Type / Young Humanists International
  • Date / 30 July 2009

IHEYO announces its 8th International Humanist Youth Conference in Kathmandu, Nepal. It will take place from 20th to 25th October, 2009.

The topic of the 2009 International Youth Humanist Conference is  “Secularism: The Open Door for Human Rights Defense” and we shall be  discussing human rights questions  as pertaining to church-state separation. We shall also be focusing on youth humanism globally and how we, as individuals and organizations, can work together to achieve our common goals.

Aside this, the conference will also seek to address the need of a workable network inside IHEYO and mostly in the working groups to motivate more groups worldwide to join. Humanist organizers and human rights activists will gain further knowledge on how to get their messages across through in an appealing, effective way and learn about multiplier tasks.
Despite paucity of funds, IHEYO aims to support youth humanist leaders from developing countries, most especially within Asia, to attend this event.

For more information and inquiries contact: [email protected]


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