
Humanism in Asia

  • post Type / Young Humanists International
  • Date / 24 August 2007

Humanist education and life stance are needed in our continent. Our education system and socio-economic-political situation discourages us to think for ourselves, be critical and empowered. We need to encourage our youths to think critically and scientifically.

Every young persons should raise questions like What/Why/ When/Where/Who and How? They should develop their own outlook on life and on themselves, have respect for the freedom of others to be who they want to be, and question given thinking patterns such as traditions. Critical thinking and free inquiry will help the youth to develop their ideas positively.

We are suffering from different kind of superstitions, misconceptions, and conservative thoughts, and illusions, unbelievable and non-experimental supernatural thoughts. These hurdles of human development are degrading us.

Youth from one country alone will not be able to fight against those factors. We should try to create a regional network to work together. We share common problems and can thus work together to develop common solutions and take action. Many helping hands will become a huge support. It would be the basis of a great campaign and initiatives to envision our future.

We need to fight collectively against those existing bad practices in our society. We can collectively work to manage/transform internal conflict, different forms of religious or political fundamentalism. Our small initiation could be the ideal step for society.

Let’s come together ………………We have potentialities, courage, spirit. So why don’t we get ready to create an alliance and develop a network.  

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