
Change of staff members IHEYO

  • post Type / Young Humanists International
  • Date / 10 October 2005

The first part of 2005, Lars-Petter Helgestad worked for IHEYO as our executive director. He has now returned to Norway and started his studies. The officer was made possible through funding of the Institute for Humanist Studies. For next year, Gea Meijers will take up the officer’s position meaning some one else from the board will take over her functions. She will start in January for a full half year and hopefully longer. This is also financed by the Institute for Humanist Studies.

Lars-Petter made himself very valuable the past half year by doing for most part the organising of the IHEYO conference and organising our administration. IHEYO Executive Committee thanked him for his work when he returned to Norway beginning of August. He remains active as one of our boardmembers. 

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