IHEYOs third General Assembly was held in Paris on the 15th of July. Based on the organisation’s by-laws, the term of office for all members of the Executive Committee elected In Berlin, 2003 expired at this GA.
The new look IHEYO EC now consists of the following volunteers:
- President: Ms. Gea Meijers, Netherlands (re-elected in 2005 for one year)
- 1st Vice President: Mr. Lars-Petter Helgestad, Norway (re-elected in 2005 for one year)
- 2nd Vice President: Ms. Silvana Uhlrich, Germany (new, elected in 2005 for two years)
- Secretary General: Mr. Ademowo ‘Yemi Johnson, Nigeria (re-elected in 2005 for two years)
- Treasurer: Mr. Frederik Dezutter, Belgium (re-elected in 2005 for one year)
- Boardmember: Mr. Asaba Lawrence, Uganda (elected in 2004 for two years)
- Boardmember: Ms. Sara Wastijn, Belgium (new, elected in 2005 for two years)
On a proposal from the Finnish Protu delegation, some of IHEYOs executives were elected for a term of just one year this time. This is to ensure a system of continuity where there is always some with experience among the executives.
The terms ended for former executives Ms. Alina Mänttäri (1st Vice President, Finland), Mr. Wolfgang Huber (Board Member, Austria), Mr. Ramesh Kumar (2nd Vice President, India) and Ms.Marita Eriksen (Board Member, Norway). They where all duly thanked for their time serving to the best for IHEYO since 2003.
More details on the General Assembly will follow in the next edition YouthSpeak!